5 Tips for getting into better habits financially in 2022

Many of us are feeling the pinch this month, even if you have been careful with money. I don’t know why but January always feels financially longer than any other month, even though we don’t touch our salary till the normal point in December. I am now looking to focus on better habits financially for this year to help us achieve our plans.

I don’t feel that this month has been very productive when it comes to our plans for this year, with limited spare cash we’ve not been able to chip away at the things planned. That doesn’t mean that everything has failed already though, it just means we are going to need to focus a little more for the remaining 11 months if we are going to meet our target.

If you are feeling a little deflated on your journey and trying to get into better habits, don’t be put off.

5 Tips for getting into better habits financially in 2022

Here are 5 Tips for getting into better habits financially in 2022

  1. If you’re looking to overhaul your finances for the new year, start by creating a budget – once you’ve got everything laid out you can easily identify areas you’re overspending on, and start to make savings – Miss Many Pennies
  2. Review your small business spending and make sure you are not spending any more than you have to on your essentials, such as those in this blog post – JET Virtual Assistant
  3. I’ve cut our food bills this year so far by batch cooking in advance and using less meat. Adding lentils, pulses or pasta to dishes is making a big difference. No-body has noticed less meat because they’re still seeing and eating it in their meals – Exploring Hampshire
  4. I’ve started the 52 week saving challenge along with my 3 sisters. We’re keeping each other accountable and I am doing it in reverse so that December is less costly. Each of us has something in mind for the money but by doing it together we are challenging each other. Doing a weekly saving and starting it now means we’ll get into the habit easier and hopefully will stick to it! We can also encourage whoever slips to jump back into it – Wales With Kids
  5. Try swapping big days out for places that are local and free (or cheap). Take a picnic to the woods, enjoy a walk along the beach or maybe do a scavenger hunt around town. Adventuresbeginathome.com
One thing I have learnt since we started the journey towards early retirement is just how different everyone’s journeys can be. It is easy to feel disillusioned when you read a story that someone cleared 30k debt in 2 years but you have only managed say 10k for example. What you can’t see is what is going on behind closed doors. Not everyone has the option of overtime all the time at work or maybe even the luxury of being able to live on basics all the time, it is about making the best choices for your personal circumstances whilst staying focused on what you are trying to achieve.
5 Tips for getting into better habits financially in 2022
I know that in reality, our journey may take longer than others but that is ok. At the same time, we still have plans to renovate our home and enjoy a few days out that may cost us money. All that matters is the fact that in the end we get to where we want to be, in a way that suits us.
This year I do want to ramp that up for us and even though our January was not the best, we are still going to make sure we get ourselves into better habits financially to make 2022 the best it can be!
5 Tips for getting into better habits financially in 2022

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