Making Every Room a Pleasurable Experience

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People say their home is their castle and prefer to keep it looking as comforting as humanly possible.

To feel comfort within your home is as much about the floor as it is every other part of the home, so why not consider an option that gives the look and feel of the real thing without the hassle and downsides of it.

Let’s go on the ideal home tour room by room.

Living Areas to Live For

Whether watching TV or having guests over for drinks, your living room is considered the most active room in the house.

With that in mind your flooring will require an incredibly durable layer to prevent damage on a regular basis, be it spills, scratches and stains. Vinyl flooring not only offers up properties that protect against all, but with the various styles and palettes, you can have the genuine look of dark or light woods or stone to replicate the real thing at a lower cost in price and maintenance.

Be sophisticated or classy for a fraction of the price and install yourself with easy to install options of clicking together or glueing down tiles or boards.

Making Every Room a Pleasurable Experience

Kitchen Clean Up

When it comes to high-risk areas of the home, the kitchen sees its fair share of wars. Chances are you have replaced and maintained your kitchen floor more than any other in the entire house.

This is a perfect consideration for vinyl due to its stain resistance and anti-scratch technologies, but also its ease in simple soapy sponge and mop caretaking less than a minute to get back to its fresh appeal.

Your floor will be protected from any falling crockery or glasses due to its cushion layers meaning you greatly reduce the risk of smashes ruining your floor and dish sets.

Making Every Room a Pleasurable Experience

Bespoke Bedroom

You don’t need a carpet to keep your bedroom warm on cold nights due to vinyl’s perfect companionship to underfloor heating.

You can be sure that no tiles or boards will rise with the change in heat and cause an eyesore or catch on your foot when walking in the middle of the night, leaving your nights in that extra level of comfort and relaxation.

Those cold mornings will no longer mean being greeted by a cold floor and starting off your day on a chilly note.

Ideal Steps from the Shower

Due to moisture resistance, having vinyl flooring in your bathroom is not such a strange idea for most.

No matter how steamy and wet your bathroom tends to get, vinyl will protect from any water getting through the floor and with anti-slip properties you won’t be subjected to any accidents stepping out of your nice hot bath.

With ceramic tile or a look of pure stone, you could really give your bathroom a touch of class and elegance. The possibilities and benefits are vast and finding a reputable expert in supplying your vinyl is just as varied.

Amtico Spacia offers distinctive flooring options perfect for the way you currently live, so if you are looking to enhance your current look and feel you could try Sienna Oak or Burnished Timber to complete your home. Luvanto offers spectacular flooring ranges designed to bring out the creative flair for those wanting to explore a new side to themselves with designs such as Sun Bleached Spruce and Midnight Silver. Invictus brings any home unique replicates of natural elements with a broad choice of designs. Each has many designs and palettes to define your home as slick and cosy.

Let your home live a little with vinyl flooring and really take a secure step.

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